John Maina

Born and raised in Mathare, John Maina is 23 years old and knows well how life in a slum is all about.
Born in a family of five brothers being the second born, Maina also known as Maich, did his education in the slum from childhood. John knows life in the slum is not as easy or imaginable as people make it sound; actually saying “it is worse” is an understatement for him.
John left the slum a few years back to further his studies and when he completed his studies he came back to give back to the community what he feels he owes the community. He believes the slum made him who he is today and believes he can do something better to change the lives of the many generations that will follow behind him.
He feels he can be an example to the younger generation behind him. Immediately he came back he joined The PaaMoja Initiative, a Community Based Organization that exists to create and connect the youth with emerging empowerment opportunities.
He is also on the processes of joining more groups that work on bettering the lives of the many people in the slum.
John is a professional Electrical Engineer who got his Diploma in late 2013 and currently has devoted himself to the people of the slum he was born in.
John enjoys playing and watching rugby. He also enjoys watching football, swimming, travelling and spending time with friends.
You can get him on facebook, Maich Mukangu or twitter @maich_mukangu.